Ablution- Washing of the body by hand, usually using a towel or mitt
Affusion- Pouring on of water
Analgesic– Decreases pain
Anesthetic– Reduces local pain, diminished or loss of sensation
Antipyretic- Reduction in fever
Antispasmodic- Reducing muscle spasms
Astringent– Agent which causes local vasoconstiction and closing of pores
Balneology- The science of baths and bathing
Colonics- A washing out of the colon 10-20 times over 45-60 minutes
Conduction – Heat is transferred by direct contact of one heated object to another.
Consensual reaction- A reflex reaction occurring on the opposite side of the body from the point of stimulation
Contrast Bath- The immersion of a body part alternately in hot and cold water in one treatment
Convection – transference of heat by moving currents of heated liquids of gasses as in a sauna to increase body temperature
Conversion – Heat is generated by passing energy through the tissue or substances in heating of body tissues by ultrasound
Cryotherapy- Therapeutic use of cold; ice massage
Derivative effect- Transfer of fluid from one part of the body to another; warming the feet to draw congestion from the head: Pulling the blood or lymph out of one area of the body by increasing the amount of blood in another.
Diaphoretic- Increases sweating
Diuretic- Increases urine production
Douche- a stream of water directed at the body or into a body cavity
Ecchymosis– Discoloration of the skin due to hemmorrhage
Edema– Collection or pooling of fluids in the interstitial tissues
Effusion– Collection or pooling of fluids in the joint capsule
Eliminative- Dissolves foreign elements in the blood, colon, and interstitial spaces of the body
Emetic- Ejecting poisons from the body by drinking warm water or salt water
Erythema– Description of color of the skin indicating a red appearance
Fomentation- Local applications of moist heat to the body surface, usually made of wool and cotton to retain heat and moisture
Heating Compress- An application of a cold compress that when applied and covered causes an initial cooling followed by a warming and increase in circulation.
Heliotherapy- Using direct sunlight or other light source for therapeutic purposes; electric, ultraviolet, infrared.
Hunting reaction- sudden reddening and warming of cooled skin areas; body’s mechanism to avoid tissue damage
Hydrocollator- Steam heat packs filled with silicate gel that keeps them hot and moist; Extremely hot – water is heated to 150-160 F
Hydrostatic effect – The shifting of fluid from one part of the body to another
Hyperemia- Increase in quantity of blood flowing through the body or part of the body characterized by heat, redness: Vasodilatation
Hypothermia– Extreme reduction in body temperature
Hypoxia- Diminished oxygen supply usually due to poor circulation
Ischemia– Diminished or lack of circulation in an area
Krause Corpuscles– Cold receptors (sensory organ) in dermal layer of integumentary system
Paraffin Bath- Using melted paraffin (wax) to dip body part in to build a paraffin glove to retain heat. Operating temperature 126 degrees to 130 degrees. Used to treat arthritis, bruises, bursitis, gout, spasms
Pelotherapy- Therapeutic use of mud, peat moss, or clay applied to the body or part of the body
Poultice- External application of warm moist substance to relieve pain, reduce and soothe inflammation, draw impurities from the body, encourages muscle relaxation
Purgative- Causing vommitting or bowel evacuation
Revulsive effect- Increasing the rate of blood flow by alternate use of heat and cold
R.I.C.E – Standard care for acute stage of healing: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
Retrostasis- The drawing of blood to internal organs
Russian Bath- A body steam given with the patient reclining and head outside the steam room or cabinet.
Saline Bath- Salt baths
Salt Glow Massage– Vigorous rubbing of sea salt over entire body
Sauna- Dry Heat which increases body temperature and increases perspiration. May put strain on nasal passages, throat and lungs.
Sedative- Causes central nervous system to decrease the responses of nerve stimuli for relaxation
Shampoo- Using soap and water together on one or all parts of the body
Showers- The use of water streams directed at the body to stimulate. Examples are dousing, jet, fan, alternate hot and cold.
Sitz Bath- A partial bath covering the pelvic region
Spanish Mantle Pack- The client is showered, tubbed or sponged and then wrapped in a dry sheet and blankets while still wet.
Sponging- Using a sponge to apply water, alcohol, or witch hazel to the body, usually for a cooling affect.
Steam –Water particles dispersed through the air; good for the skin and lungs. Hot seam increases body temperature and perspiration and releases toxins. Cold steam as from a humidifier, moistens dry rooms in winter and can help prevent colds and sinus headaches.
Stimulant- increases nerve stimulation
Swedish Shampoo- Shampoo given on a marble slab using soap and skin brushing, usually washing and rinsing one part at a time and drying briskly.
Thalassotherapy- Bathing in or drinking of salt water
Thermophore- moist heat pack; heating unit wrapped in flannel which absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.
Tonic- Increases vigor; return of cellular activity to normal state
Turkish Bath- Hot air bath (dry sauna)
Whirlpool bath- A partial immersion bath in which water is agitated and mixed with air to be directed at the affected area; Used to soften muscles for massage, stimulate circulation, relieves pain.