Swedish Massage – Endangerments

Swedish Massage Areas of Endangerments

Area of concernAnatomyNotes
Temporal and foreheadTemporal artery- lateral sides of cranium
Temporal branches of facial nerve
Opthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
submandibular areas
-parotid gland on ramus of mandible on top of masseter
-facial nerve anterior and superior to parotid gland
-facial artery inferior to parotid gland
-styloid process of temporal bone posterior to mandible, anterior to mastoid process
-styloid process may break with excessive pressure
-opening the jaw exposes nerves more
-compressing or damaging the nerves can cause trigeminal neuralgia
Anterior triangle of Neck-SCM, mandible, trachea
-carotid artery
-internal jugular vein
-hyoid bone
-submandibular salivary glands
-pressure on carotid can slow heart rate or cut off blood supply to head causing dizziness or black out-vaso-vagul reactions
Posterior Triangle of Neck-SCM, clavicle, trapezius
-external jugular vein
-brachial plexus
-subclavian artery and vein
-pressure on brachial plexus can cause pain down arm and hand
Occipital area-occipital foramina
-greater occipital nerve (C2)
-suboccipital nerve (C1)
Digging too deep in the occipital area with the head in passive extension, can entrap the nerves there. Static pressure with caution is ok.
Delto-pectoral triangle-inferior fibers of anterior deltoid, clavicle, and superior fibers of the clavicular head of the Pec Major
-cephalic vein
-brachial plexus
-axillary artery and vein
Axillary region-anterior border: deltoid, biceps and Pec Major
-posterior border: deltoid, triceps, latissimus
-Axillary nerve, artery, vein, lymph nodes
-cephalic vein
-brachial plexus
-median nerve
-brachial artery
There are many very effective techniques for working the muscles of the pecs, subscapularis, through the armpit.  Know what you are doing before proceeding.
Brachial region-superior border: inferior aspect of the biceps
inferior border: superior aspect of the triceps
-Median nerve
-Brachial Artery
-Basilic, brachial and cephalic veins
-radial nerve
Basilic Vein can be trapped medial to the humerus between the biceps and triceps.
Cephalic Vein can be pinned to the humerus just lateral to the biceps
Antecubital fossa- anterior elbow-distal to biceps brachii
-border: lateral common extensor tendon, medial- common flexor tendon
-median and radial nerve
-basilic vein
-brachial artery
Caution when using Cross fiber friction on the insertions of the biceps and brachialis in the shortened position as it may entrap the median nerve
Cubital notch-posterior elbow-posterior to medial epicondyle, anterior to olecranon
-ulnar nerve
“Funny bone”
cross fiber wok on the triceps insertion requires a lengthened position to protect ulnar nerve
Anterior surface of distal forearm and wrist-radial nerve and artery
-median nerve
-ulnar nerve and artery
Xiphoid process-xiphoid process-heavy direct pressure could break off bone
Abdominal Region-Liver, spleen, stomach, gall bladder, reproductive organs, intestines, colon
-abdominal aorta, vena cava
-vagus nerve
Visceral manipulation is an advanced technique that can be learned.
Deep pressure on the psoas may over stimulate the vagus nerve and cause symptoms such as sweating, nausea
Femoral Triangle-Sartorius, Inguinal ligament, adductor longus
-femoral nerve, artery and vein
-inguinal lymph nodes
-great saphenous vein
-area prone to herniation
-avoid pulse when palpating psoas tendon
Gluteal region-between sacrum and greater trochanter
-Sciatic nerve
When working the piriformis watch for referred pain
Posterior Knee-tibial and peroneal nerve (split off from sciatic nerve)
-Popliteal artery and vein