Pathology Test Questions

1.      Which hypertonic muscle might result in rotation of the ilium causing a functional short leg?

a)      biceps femoris

b)      iliopsoas

c)      rectus abdominis

d)      gleuteus medius

2.      Chronic inflammation and fibrosis of the rotator cuff musculature could result in :

a)      hypermobility of the shoulder

b)      antalgic gait

c)      frozen shoulder

d)      winged scapula

3.   Because of their lack of vascularity the following tissue is known to heal quite slowly

a)      epithelial

b)      fibrous connective

c)      muscle

d)      bone

4.      Inflammation of the bladder, most commonly caused by the presence of a pathogenic bacteria and leading to frequent urination is called:

a)      nephritis

b)      hepatitis

c)      diverticulitis

d)      cystitis

5.      Warts are benign neoplasms that are due to infection by this contagious organism

a)      bacteria

b)      fungus

c)      parasites

d)      virus

6.      Inflammation of the appendix might present with pain in the

a)      upper right quadrant

b)      lower left quadrant

c)      lower right quadrant

d)      upper left quadrant

7.      Wasting of an organ or tissue from non use is known as:

a)      hypertrophy

b)      hematoma

c)      crepitus

d)      atrophy

8.      The state or condition in which the body or part of the body is invaded by a pathogenic agent that multiplies and causes cellular injury is known as:

a)      inflammation

b)      induration

c)       infection

d)        infarction


9.      Inflammation is characterized by

a)      pain, tenderness, heat, swelling

b)      pain, heat, tenderness to touch and swelling

c)      heat, redness, swelling, dryness

d)      pain, heat, redness and swelling

10.  A joint injury in which some of the fibers of the supporting ligaments are damaged is known as:

a)      subluxation

b)      strain

c)      sprain

d)      dislocation

11.  The abnormal joining together of tissues after inflammation is known as:

a)      adenoma

b)      adhesion

c)      inflammation

d)      infection

12.  Abnormal extreme posterior curvature of the thoracic spine is commonly known as

a)      kyphosis

b)      scoliosis

c)      lordosis

d)      none of the above

13.  Soreness, numbness and weakness of the hand due to compression of the median nerve at the flexor retinaculum and transvers carpal ligament is referred to as:

a)      thoracic outlet syndrome

b)      scalene syndrome

c)      carpal tunnel syndrome

d)      brachial plexus syndrome

14.  The chronic disease of the liver characterized by formation of dense connective tissue resulting in loss of function and increased resistance to blood flow is

a)      hepatitis

b)      cystitis

c)      cholecystitis

d)      cirrhosis

15.  A condition caused by a break in a blood vessel resulting in a swelling and accumulation of blood within an organ, tissue or space is known as a:

a)      hypertrophy

b)      abrasion

c)      hematoma

d)      adhesion

16.  A partial or incomplete dislocation of a bone at an articulation is a :

a)      subluxation

b)      involution

c)      amphiarthrosis

d)      subinvolution

17.  A decrease in blood flow to a tissue or organ resulting in impairment of a cell function or in cell death is know as:

a)      anemia

b)      aneurysm

c)      ischemia

d)      necrosis

18.  An inflammatory disease of the skin involving sebaceous glands and hair follicles and characterized by comedones, paules and pustules is known as:

a)      psoriasis

b)      acne

c)      scabies

d)      decubitus ulcers

19.  Protrusion of the stomach into the mediastinal cavity above the diaphragm is :

a)      hiatal hernia

b)      osgood-schlatter disease

c)      diverticulitis

d)      marfan’s syndrome

20.  A chronic degenerative joint disease characterizes by deterioration of articular cartilage, overgrowth of bone, and impaired function is known as:

a)      gout

b)      rheumatoid arthritis

c)      osteoarthritis

d)      osteoporosis

21.  This disease which is common among the elderly and is marked by  a loss of bone mass and subsequent loss of bone strength is:

a)      chrondromalacia patellae

b)      osteoporosis

c)      osteoarthritis

d)      lyme disease

22.  The fungal infection of the skin which is characterized by whitish or fawn –colored irregular shaped patches is known as:

a)      tinea pedis

b)      tinea versicolor

c)      tinea cruris

d)      leprosy

23.  Peripheral neuropathy and decreased arterial circulation in the extremities is associated with the degenerative disease:

a)      sciatica

b)      diabetes

c)      rheumatoid arthritis

d)      gout

24.  Which muscle would be paralyzed if the sciatic nerve were severed?

a) Trapezius   b) biceps femoris  c) gluteus maximus  d) sternocleidomastiod     C

25.   When treating  a patient with kyphosis, which muscle should you work on the most? A) Pectorals B) Hamstrings C) hip rotators D) none of the above


26.  A blood clot which has recently formed in a varicose vein and is still stationary is know as :

a)      embolus

b)      thrombus

c)      embolism

d)      infarction

27.  The weakening of the muscular portion of an artery which causes the vessel to dilate abnormally and potentially to rupture is  a)Aneurysm  b) varicosity c)bypass  d)claudication

28.    The popliteal fossa is an endangerment site because of a) lymph nodes b) tibial and peroneal nerve c) median cubital vein d) carotid artery     B

29.  Severe varicose veins is a (an) ___________ for massage.  a)  indication  b) contraindication c) ischemic response d) all of the above    B

30.  In a patient with subdeltoid bursitis, the pain is worse if the arm is   a) abducted   b) adducted  c) hyperextended   d) laterally rotated    A

31.  Facial paralysis may be due to a lesion on which cranial nerve?  a) III  b)VI  c)VII  d) VIII       C

32.  Muscular Dystrophy is characterized by degeneration and wasting of  a) Muscle tissue  b)  nerves  c) epithelial tissue  d)all of the above      A

33.  Cutting the median nerve results in the inability to a)flex the thumb b) extend the wrist c) turn the head  d)  lift the leg    A

34.  Shinsplint syndrome found often in runners effects the a) lateral malleolus  b) periosteum around the anterior or posterior tibialis muscle c)plantar fascia   d) lateral hip rotators     B

36.  Epilepsy is characterized by  a) short periodic attack of motor, sensory or psychological malfunction b) epileptic seizures, which are initiated by abnormal electrical discharges from the brain  c) involuntary contraction of skeletal muscles  d) all of the above      D

37.  Conjunctivitis is a) a vision defect b) and inflammation of the conjuctiva of the eye  c) an inlammation of the conjuctiva of the auditory canal  d)  inflammation of the conjuctiva muscle of the neck        B

38.  A stationary blood clot in an unbroken vessel is called a (an)  a) thrombus b) embolus c)fibrosis  d)hernia        A

39.  Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin are characterized by   a) sores that never heal  b)red-winged rash appearance c)  spider veins on the nose  d) none of the above    A

40.  Signs and symptoms of Malignant Melanoma are   a) asymmetrical shape  b) irregular border  c) multicolored, with brown, black and sometimes purple   d) all of the above   D

41.  Psorasis is characterized by   a) raised red or pink patches  b) itching c)have a white or silvery scale on top   d) all of the above    D

42.  Cramps in muscle tissue are characterized by a) involuntary contraction b) short term with visible contraction of muscles c) deficiency of calcium and magnesium  d) all of the above   D