Author: Julie Onofrio
Thai Massage
Thai Massage is a traditional system of stretching and working with the body using acupressure, Ayurvedic Principles, Shen lines (aka energy lines) and assisted Yoga. It is done with the closes on usually. This traditional healing practice, called nuad or nuad boran in the Thai language. The Thai system claims to focus on circulation of…
Understanding the Power Differential for Massage Therapists
As a massage therapist, understanding the power differential in the therapist/client relationship can help you to deal with challenging clients and to create a safe place for people to get massage therapy. The power differential can happen in any type of relationship like school teacher/student, Pastor/Priest and church member, parent/child, doctor/patient and any number of…
Cupping Massage
Cupping has become the latest fad with many professional athletes being seen with the cupping marks on their bodies during competition. Cupping is the process of using glass, plastic or other cups to the skin to change the body’s energy system. Cupping is said to remove stagnation, dilates blood vessel to draw toxins to the…
California Massage Schools
California is one of the few states that still does not mandate massage licensing. They do have what is called a certification that is Voluntary that can help reduce the cost of state business licensing. Before the California Massage Council (CAMTC) was created in 2009, a city business license could cost thousands of dollars. Cities…
History of Massage 1850-1899
1850s– Karl von Reichenbach discovered kerosene and paraffin 1858 – Bindgewebs term – The term itself was first mentioned by Johannes Peter Müller (14 July 1801 – 28 April 1858) was a German physiologist, comparative anatomist, ichthyologist, and herpetologist according to Wikipedia. Later became Connective Tissue Massage created by Emily Dicke. 1858 – Gerard : Des frictions et du massage dans le traitement de…