Author: Julie Onofrio
History of Massage in the NY Times
Oct 14, 1897 – OCCUPATION FOR THE BLIND. A Proposal to Teach Them Massage. Times Machine April 30, 1905 – Osteopathy confused with massage. Times Machine. Jan. 13, 1907 – HELPING THE BLIND TO SEE Remarkable Work by Two New York Women in Behalf of the Sightless Teaching Carpentry, Telephone Operating, Massage, Sewing and Stenography…
Rolfing® – History, Offshoots, The Process
Rolfing® aka Structural Integration was created by one woman, Ida Rolf in the mid-1940s with the goal of helping family members who were suffering in pain. She also had been injured from being kicked by a horse which led her to search for answers. Early Rolfing® was extremely painful (yes like screaming at the top…
Ida Pauline Rolf, PhD : The recipe, her life and legacy. Pluck and grit.
Ida Pauline Rolf, PhD (1896–1979) – The Woman, The Researcher and Bodyworker extradonaire: Where did the The Line and The Recipe come from? 1896 – Born in NYC and raised there in public schools in the Bronx. 1916 – Graduated from Barnard College (article on her class and grad photo), with honors in Chemistry and…
Aston Kinetics
Aston Kinetics is not a type of massage but does include some massage/hands on techniques to go along with the movement system. The idea is that the body is not symetrical and Aston Kinetics works to gather info from a client’s history and they way they move to create a plan to help them to…
Structure and Function of the Nervous System
One of the most important subjects for massage therapists is learning and understanding the nervous system and how it applies to pain and the muscles. Everything in the body is controlled by the nervous system. It is the fastest homeostatic response mechanism of the body. Nervous System Fuctions Three main functions of the nervous system:…