Category: Ethics
Understanding the Power Differential for Massage Therapists
As a massage therapist, understanding the power differential in the therapist/client relationship can help you to deal with challenging clients and to create a safe place for people to get massage therapy. The power differential can happen in any type of relationship like school teacher/student, Pastor/Priest and church member, parent/child, doctor/patient and any number of…
The Wounded Healer massage therapist
The wounded healer massage therapist is a massage therapist who comes into the massage profession with conscious or unconscious emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wounding in order to heal themselves. The legend of Chiron whose name means “working with the hands” was wounded accidentally by Herakles arrow which made him permanently injured. Being immortal, he…
Emotions and Massage
It is fairly common knowledge that emotions can be part of bodywork and massage. Feelings are all in the body which is why there is so much focus on ethics, boundaries and learning to use touch safely with people. No matter what technique or method is used the client only knows how it feels to…
Asian Massage Therapy
Asian Massage Therapy techniques are a legitimate type of massage therapy that is unfortunately often confused with ‘those other types of massage parlors that give happy endings’ or in other words Brothels Doing Business as Massage Parlors/Massage therapists aka Asian Massage Parlors. This needs to stop…but how…we don’t really have an answer or way. Stop…
Transference for Massage Therapists
Transference is one of the most important concepts to understand for a massage therapist but the least understood and talked about. It is usually covered in a few hour workshop in massage school. Transference is a very complex phenomenon that comes from the psychology profession. The reason that it is so important to understand is…