Category: Massage Theory

  • Massage for Muscle Spasms

    Muscle Spasms are involuntary contractions of muscles and they can be related to many different things or caused by many different things.  It can either be constant, sustained or intermittent.  It causes a contraction of the muscle without shortening at the joint.  Initially it may not be painful, but with a chronic spasm pain can develop…

  • Types of Massage (B)

    Berry work– Developed by Lauren Berry who was a registered physical therapist . He looked at the body in terms of a structural engineering problem that could be fixed and often thought of himself as more of a mechanic. He began learning at the age of 6 from a neighbor who was a physician and…

  • Types of Massage (A)

    Acupressure– Ancient healing art that uses fingers to stimulate key points along the meridians to activate the healing response.  Acupressure and Acupuncture use the same points but acupressure does not use needles.  Symptoms are considered to be an expression of the condition of the body as a whole. ( Holding a point on your foot…

  • Hygiene for Massage Students

    Bacterial Infectious Diseases – Impetigo – mostly affects children, caused by strep or staph organisms. Superficial v vesicle which ruptures and forms a thick yellowish crust.  Most commonly on the face but can spread through scratching Staph Infections – Infection of hair follicles, oil glands or sweat glands cased by Staph organisms which cause inflammation…

  • Aromatherapy for Massage Students/Therapists

    Basics: Aromatherapy is the art of healing using different aromas made from highly concentrated extracts of herbs, flowers, shrubs and other plants.  The oils contain substances that have been found to be therapeutic when inhaled or applied to the skin with a carrier oil. Storing of oils:  Essential oils should be stored in a cool,…