Category: Pathology
Massage for Arthritis
Definition: Chronic degeneration articular cartilage of synovial (movable) joints, primarily affecting weight bearing joints.(sometimes referred to as degenerative joint disease) Other types of arthritis: Rheumatoid, spondylosis, gout, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, infectious arthritis, kawasaki syndrome. Causes: improper posture that causes extra stress to joints, injuries resulting in toxic build up in joints, leading…
Massage for Diabetes: Can it help?
Diabetes Mellitus is a group of diseases that is characterized by high blood glucose levels ….. Type I Auto-immune Disease. No known cure. Type II – Adult Onset Diabetes Usually starts with Insulin resistance (cells unable to use insulin properly and pancrease stops making insulin)
Massage for Stress
Massage and Bodywork Articles “Jangled” Adults Touch and the Stress Response System By Ruth Werner The Visible Effects of Stress Get a Grip on Anxiety and Ease a Troubled Face — and Mind By Barbara Hey Stress and Pain Age the Body and Brain News Note By Lara Evans Bracciante Turning the Tables on Stress News…
Pathology : T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Tendonitis Definition: inflammation of a tendon or musculotendinous junction Causes: overuse, repetitive stress, improper healing, or tearing from sustained overloading of muscle Signs/Symptoms: pain, persistent pain worse at night, pain referral, pain worse after use, muscle weakness, inflammation, limited ROM; usually occurs where the tendon attaches to the bone or where the muscle attaches to the…
Pathology – S
Scabies Definition: skin infectionCauses: parasites; mites Signs/Symptoms: itching, persistent itchy rash, dry scaly skin, highly contagious by skin to skin contactIndications: N/AContraindications: refer to Physician for diagnosis SciaticaDefinition: inflammation of the sciatic nerveCauses: nerve root impingement caused by disc protrusion or herniation, adhesions at the nerve root, fibrosis, degenerative joint disease, piriformis syndrome, fibromyalgiaSigns/Symptoms: pain…