Category: Types of Massage Therapy
Structural Integration Schools Comparison
Structural Integration is a term used to describe a series of massage/bodywork sessions that is based on the work of Ida Rolf who created Rolfing. In 1979, the United States Patent Office granted service mark rights for the word “Rolfing” to the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute,distinguishing “Rolfing” from all other forms of structural integration. DIRI…
Pfrimmer Deep Tissue Massage
This is a very specific type of deep tissue massage. It is like a full body cross fiber friction massage. It was created by Theresa Pfrimmer in around 1946 when she was diagnosed with incurable paralysis in her lower extremities. She developed a type of deep cross fiber friction that she used on her legs to…
The Rolfing Lineage: First Rolfers to trademark nightmare
Emmett Hutchins was one of Dr. Ida Rolf’s first students. Dr. Rolf appointed Emmett as one of the first teachers of her work. As Dr. Rolf requested, in the 1970s Emmett moved from California to Boulder to focus on the work that would eventually bring into being the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration. In the early 1990s,…
Rolfing® – History, Offshoots, The Process
Rolfing® aka Structural Integration was created by one woman, Ida Rolf in the mid-1940s with the goal of helping family members who were suffering in pain. She also had been injured from being kicked by a horse which led her to search for answers. Early Rolfing® was extremely painful (yes like screaming at the top…
Aston Kinetics
Aston Kinetics is not a type of massage but does include some massage/hands on techniques to go along with the movement system. The idea is that the body is not symetrical and Aston Kinetics works to gather info from a client’s history and they way they move to create a plan to help them to…