Category: Types of Massage Therapy
Swedish Massage Therapy
Swedish massage is a very common type of massage that you may find at various spas and massage franchises. It is the basic type of massage that is learned in massage school. Swedish Massage is composed of 4 different hand movements or strokes and use the French terms – effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), frictions (…
Types of Sports Massage
Event massage – Pre-event, during event and Post-event. This usually occurs on-site at the actual sports events. Pre-event massage is different than post event massage. Pre-event massage is done before the event to further assist in the athletes warm up (but does not replace their physical warm up process) which requires that you have an…
Types of Massage (JKL)
Jamu Massage: A Flower from BaliBy Naomi Serviss Massage magazine Jin shin do – Translation: “the way of the compassionate spirit” Derived from acupressure. Developed by Iona Marsa Teegarden in the 1970’s. Practitioners meditate to develop their intuition and deeper selves. Gentle fingertip pressure is applied along points to balance the energy “chi”. Focuses on…