Berry work– Developed by Lauren Berry who was a registered physical therapist .
He looked at the body in terms of a structural engineering problem that could be fixed and often thought of himself as more of a mechanic. He began learning at the age of 6 from a neighbor who was a physician and osteopath. He then worked on his mother with great success. His neighbors all became clients. At an early age he wasn’t really sure what he was doing, but he began studying anatomy and physiology. He became friends with a boy he fixed who’s dad happened to be head of the coroner’s office. He gained access to autopsy rooms and studied cadavers extensively. His work is carried on by his students.
Bindegewebs massage/Connective Tissue Reflex Massage– Developed by Elizabeth Dicke, a German physiotherapist, in the 1930’s. The work is based on the theory that any disruption or imbalance in any part of the body affects the entire system. The theory uses reflex zones or dermatomes of the connective tissue to locate problem areas. Certain areas on the body have sensory/motor neuron links to the spinal cord where they reflex with the neurons of the organs. If you search on, there are many European sites listed.
Bioenergetics– Developed by Alexander Lowen who studied with Wilhelm Reich. Bioenergetics is a way of looking at personality through the body and its processes. The work is based on the premise that all bodily cells record emotional or energetic reactions. Movement can stimulate the repressed energy and release the energy. Breathing, exercise and psycho-therapy is used to heal and release the blockages that are created in the body.
Book resources:
Bioenergetics by Alexander Lowen
Joy: The Surrender to the Body and to Life by Alexander Lowen
Web Resources:
International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis
Wilhelm Reich Information- his work, life and theories
Bowen Therapy– A subtle and gentle muscle/ nerve/ connective tissue technique developed by Thomas Bowen of Australia. The
work is non-invasive and performed through the clothing. Treatment consists of a specific sequence of rolling moves done across superficial muscles, tendons and nerves. A theory of how it works is similar to the theories of homeopathy. The therapist is introducing techniques that act as a microscopic irritant into the system (because they are so gentle and affect the parasympathetic autonomic nervous system). The nervous systems is alerted by these moves and reflexively responds, reorganizing deeper structures. There are specific instructions that accompany this therapy consisting of many do’s and don’ts, one of which states that stronger application of any massage, heat or ice, after treatment will cancel the self correcting response. If the irritant has been soothed away, the body no longer has a compulsion to reorganize for it is the surge of parasympathetic energy that accounts for much of the healing response.
Web resources:
Bowen Therapy– founded by Ossie and Elaine Rentsch, students of Thomas Bowen
Bowen academy-
Bowen therapy– Patrick Rousselot, PT,CBT
Breast Massage- Massaging the breast tissue was once thought to be too sexual in nature, now is a necessary treatment for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer. The ribs under the breasts and along the sides of the breast need to be cleared of toxin buildup. The sternum, clavicle and armpit area are addressed to facilitate lymph flow. Massage can also be used to assist in recovery of mastectomies and breast surgeries.
Web resources:
Bodymechanics school of massage – Step by step breast massage
Massage Today Article– Massage Therapists and Breast Care: Easing the Controversy By Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon)
Massage Today Article by Kate Jordan, The Evolving Practice of Breast Massage
Breast Massage On the Brink of Understanding?By Karrie Mowen (Osborn) Massage and Bodywork Magazine
Breema is known as “the art of being present.” Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises are safe, nurturing, and energizing, using natural movements and the relaxed weight of the body instead of force. They create balance and harmony between mind, body, and feelings, and provide an ideal opportunity to work with and experience the Nine Principles of Harmony. These universal principles are the key to Breema’s vitalizing effects on both practitioner and recipient, and to discovering a new openhearted, open-minded relationship to life. Breema sequences are received fully clothed on a padded floor. For more information about Breema visit or contact the Breema Center in Oakland, California.
Practiced by the Kurdish villagers of Breemava, where it originated. It was brought to the US by Malicheck Mooshan who was trained in this technique by his grandfather. Each generation had one master and passed the work on through generations. The work activates the body’s self healing forces using rhythmic movements, percussive tapping, gentle stretches, and lean and hold releases. Breema views the body as an energy system. The goal of therapy is to revitalize and reawaken every cell. Therapy consists of two parts: Bodywork and exercises. Training emphasizes the experience and healing of the practitioner, body-mind unity and touching non-judgementally. Treatments are done with the client fully clothed and on a padded floor.
Book Resources:
Breema: Essence of Harmonious Life by Jon Schreiber
Web Resources: